So it seems like everybody is releasing a book these days so I’m not surprised to hear that Sean Carter is releasing one too. The book is But the difference between his book and the rest is the huge multimedia marketing campaign he has pushing it to the forefront of mainstream consciousness. The campaign takes every page in the book and literally brings it to the place where it actually happened.

The New York based ad agency Droga5 are the team that set Mr. Carter up with one the larget phygital marketing campaigns I’ve ever seen, complete with events, reveals, hidden messages, and even a partnership with Bing allowing users to search for pages in the book via an internet scavenger hunt.

“We’ve made canvases out of some pretty extraordinary places,” says Droga5 Creative Chairman David Droga. “We’ve turned everything into outdoor—350 pages are outdoor and another 100 and 150 are things that money can’t buy.” The latter will involve some familiar other big names, which at press time Droga could not disclose. “A lot of other big global brands and icons have stepped up to turn themselves into canvases,” he says.

This campaign is definitely testing the boundaries of how you traditionally promote a book but to be honest I wouldn’t expect anything else from Mr. Carter. When I started at Universal Motown I actually tried to pull off a campaign similar to this one that was inspired by Trent Reznor’s campaign for his Year Zero album. But of course it got shot down. Maybe one day…

If you want to checkout the book you can pre-order it here. I’ve read a few pages myself and its pretty dope.