So today Apple and Verizon made the announcement that they are teaming up to release the iPhone (big surprise). This is probably as much of a surprise as finding out Ricky Martin is gay. I mean we all saw this coming a mile away. Apple has been looking for another partner since the day they signed with AT&T.

AT&T is the equivalent of the not so hot girl that you have sex with first when your a virgin so you’ll be ready for the hot chick that you plan on having sex with down the road. Let me do some math for you:

AT&T = not so hot chick
Verizon = hot chick

Apple+AT&T= warm up
Apple+Verizon= the sex of a lifetime

Another huge mobile carrier under the belt for Apple = more $$$ for Mr. Jobs and company. Kudos to the folks at Apple and Verizon for making this work. I just hope they wear protection because you never want to get burned. POW!!!

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